You Just Ran a MMM, Now What? Understanding Media Mix Modeling for Advanced Marketing Leaders

Understand how to leverage MMM insights effectively and determine when to revisit and update your model for ongoing success.‍

You Just Ran a MMM, Now What? Understanding Media Mix Modeling for Advanced Marketing Leaders

Media Mix Modeling (MMM) is a powerful tool that provides invaluable insights into your marketing performance across various channels. After running your MMM, the next crucial step is interpreting the results and taking strategic actions to optimize your ad accounts and future marketing strategies. This guide will help you understand how to leverage MMM insights effectively and determine when to revisit and update your model for ongoing success.

Interpreting MMM Results

Once you have your MMM results, the first step is to understand the model outputs. Here are some key elements to focus on:

Channel Contribution: Examine the percentage of total sales or key performance indicators (KPIs) attributed to each media channel. This will highlight which channels are driving the most significant impact on your marketing objectives. For example, a large B2B SaaS company found that their content marketing efforts were contributing 40% of their overall lead generation, far more than their paid search campaigns. This insight allowed them to shift focus and resources towards content creation and distribution.

Return on Investment (ROI): Look at the ROI for each channel to understand the cost-effectiveness of your marketing spend. Comparing ROI across channels will help you identify where to allocate your budget for the highest return. For instance, an ecommerce retailer discovered through MMM that social media ads yielded a higher ROI compared to their email marketing campaigns. This finding prompted them to increase their social media budget by 20%, resulting in a 15% increase in sales within three months.

Optimal Media Mix: Review the recommended budget allocation across channels to maximize ROI. This optimal media mix is based on historical data and predictive analytics, providing a blueprint for future spending. A fashion brand, for instance, utilized these insights to reallocate funds from less effective print ads to digital video campaigns, significantly boosting their online engagement and sales.

Taking Action in Your Ad Accounts

With a clear understanding of your MMM outputs, you can now take actionable steps to optimize your ad accounts:

Reallocate Budgets: Shift spending from underperforming channels to those that drive the highest ROI. For example, if your MMM reveals that your PPC campaigns are underperforming compared to your organic search traffic, consider reallocating funds towards SEO efforts or other high-performing channels.

Adjust Channel Mix: Modify your overall channel strategy based on the optimal media mix recommendations. This might mean increasing investments in high-performing channels and reducing spend in less effective ones. An international travel agency, for instance, found that influencer marketing was more effective than traditional banner ads. They increased their influencer partnerships, leading to a 25% rise in bookings.

Refine Targeting: Use MMM insights to improve audience targeting within each channel. If certain demographics respond better to specific types of ads, adjust your targeting to focus more on these segments. For example, a consumer electronics company discovered that their mobile ads were particularly effective among young adults. They fine-tuned their mobile campaigns to target this demographic more aggressively, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

Optimize Ad Placements: Adjust where your ads appear based on performance data. For instance, if video ads on YouTube are more effective than display ads on other websites, prioritize video ad placements. A fitness equipment brand found through MMM that their video ads on YouTube had a significantly higher view-through rate compared to their static image ads on other platforms. Consequently, they shifted their budget to prioritize video content.

Adjust Timing: Modify campaign schedules based on insights about seasonality and channel interactions. If certain times of the year yield better results for specific channels, align your campaign timing accordingly. A seasonal clothing retailer used MMM to identify peak shopping periods, allowing them to time their marketing blitzes more effectively, leading to a 30% increase in seasonal sales.

Testing and Learning

MMM provides a strong foundation for strategic adjustments, but continuous improvement comes from testing and learning:

Implement A/B Tests: Use MMM insights to inform hypotheses for testing different creative approaches, messaging, or targeting strategies. For example, test variations of ad copy or imagery to see which resonates best with your audience. A financial services company used MMM to identify high-performing ad formats and then conducted A/B tests to refine their messaging, ultimately increasing their click-through rates by 12%.

Monitor Short-Term Impact: Track immediate effects of changes on key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition. This real-time feedback loop helps you refine your strategies quickly. An online education platform, for instance, monitored the impact of their adjusted ad spend and saw a noticeable improvement in their lead quality within weeks.

Considering External Factors

MMM also takes into account external factors that can influence your marketing performance. When interpreting results and making decisions, consider:

Seasonality: Understand how different times of the year affect your marketing outcomes and plan your campaigns to take advantage of peak periods. A beverage company used MMM to identify that their sales spiked during summer months. They ramped up their advertising efforts leading into the summer, resulting in a significant sales boost.

Economic Conditions: Factor in the broader economic environment, such as consumer spending trends and economic downturns, which can impact your marketing effectiveness. A luxury goods retailer adjusted their marketing strategy in response to an economic downturn, focusing on high-value loyal customers rather than broad audience reach.

Competitor Activity: Keep an eye on your competitors’ marketing efforts and adjust your strategies to stay competitive. If a competitor increases their ad spend, consider how it might affect your performance. A tech startup used MMM to track competitor activity and adjusted their digital ad bids accordingly, maintaining their market share despite increased competition.

Planning for the Future

Use MMM forecasts to set realistic performance targets and budgets for upcoming campaigns. Identify potential new channels or tactics to test based on model predictions and industry trends. This forward-looking approach ensures you stay ahead of market changes and continuously improve your marketing effectiveness.

For instance, a beauty brand used MMM to forecast the impact of launching a new product line. The insights helped them allocate their marketing budget more effectively, ensuring a successful product launch with strong initial sales.

Continuously Updating and Refining

To maintain the effectiveness of your MMM, it’s essential to regularly update and refine your model. Here’s when you should revisit MMMs:

Annually or Semi-Annually: Conduct MMM at least once a year to keep insights current and relevant. For businesses with fast-moving industries or complex marketing strategies, consider semi-annual updates. For example, a fast-fashion retailer updates their MMM quarterly to stay ahead of rapidly changing consumer trends.

After Major Campaigns: Run MMM after significant campaigns to analyze their impact and gather insights for future planning. A car manufacturer ran MMM after their annual promotion event and used the insights to plan for the next year's event, optimizing their media mix based on past performance.

In Response to Market Changes: If there are major market disruptions, such as economic shifts or new competitor activity, update your MMM to capture these changes and adjust your strategy accordingly. A travel company adjusted their MMM during the COVID-19 pandemic to understand new consumer behaviors and reallocated their marketing spend to digital channels.

When Data Availability Increases: Ensure you have enough new data to make the analysis meaningful. Generally, at least 6-12 months of new data is needed for a robust update. An online retailer saw a significant uptick in data volume during the holiday season, prompting them to update their MMM to capitalize on new insights.

Leveraging Stella's MMM Tool

Stella offers an innovative and user-friendly MMM tool that simplifies the process of running and interpreting your models. By copying the MMM template sheet, inputting your data, and pasting the view-only link back into Stella's MMM tool, you can quickly run your analysis. The results are available in just 5 minutes, providing actionable insights that can drive your marketing strategy. For a more thorough MMM analysis, Stella also offers Done-For-You MMM services, ensuring one of the most accurate MMMs you can run. Just reach out to Stella, and we can start your first MMM to guide your marketing decisions with precision and confidence.

By following these steps and utilizing the right tools, you can effectively interpret your Media Mix Model and take data-driven actions to optimize your ad accounts and marketing strategies. Remember, MMM is an ongoing process, and continuous refinement based on new data and market changes is key to maintaining its effectiveness.